Saturday, August 21, 2010

About this blog

The web certainly doesn't need another blog.  However, I am starting this one for several dumb reasons:
  1. Friends tell me they like what I cook, they like to know where I buy food, and they like going out to eat with me because I take them to weird places and I know how to "order well"- whatever that means.
  2. I love food and I love eating in Dallas.  I think we have a unique food culture here.  It has been said that the only things Dallasites are good at are eating and shopping.  Truer words have never been spoken.
  3. I like to take pictures of my meals.  This blog will give me an excuse to continue annoying my wife with said picture taking.
This blog will center around, quite literally, what I eat.  Whether that's dining out, shopping for food items, cooking, etc. it's all about the stuff I consume and the stuff I love.  It will be focused on Dallas/Fort Worth, but I reserve the right to meander - and I think that readers elsewhere will get a lot out of my posts as well.

And occasionally I'll cover what I drink, too.

Happy eating,


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